
The involvement of civil society through non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in a a number of issues of development policy and development cooperation is a challenge. However, in the context of sustainable development and policy coherence for sustainable development, their inclusion is paramount. The NorthSouthDialogue of Parliaments considers it as pivotal to the development policy debate in Austria that these partners are invited for active participation.


Periodic partner-NGOs in the NorthSouthDialogue of Parliaments:

AG Globale Verantwortung - The umbrella organisation GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY – Austrian Platform for development and humanitarian aid, represents the interests of different member organisations active in the fields of development cooperation, development education and policy work, as well as humanitarian aid and sustainable global economic, social and ecological development.

FAIRTRADE AUSTRIA is a non-party, non-religious and non-profit making association that supports Fair Trade with developing countries.

ÖFSE - Österreichische Forschungsstiftung für Internationale Entwicklung - was founded in 1967. The foundation was established with the goal to offer an information, documentation and research centre for issues concerning development policy and development cooperation.

WIDE - entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk für Frauenrechte und feministische Perspektiven - was founded in 1992 as a network of organisations supporting womens rights and applying a feminist perspective.

Südwind applies the unique international development expertise it has acquired to both its teaching work, particularly „Global Learning“, and its PR and campaign work. Südwind's work in Austria is conducted by a network of regional offices and partners. Südwind is a central actor with regard to Global Education in Austria.



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